every finals week is the same way. it's one giant cycle of worries and freak-outs and resolutions and rejoicings. day in and day out for five or six or seven days, it's moments of intense pressure and distress and tears, and then moments of relief and happiness. it's going from "there's no way I can do this," to "oh my gosh, I just did it. whaddya know."
but what if there was only confidence, only gladness, only the moments of gratitude that usually come only after a test has been conquered, after a paper has been written and turned in? what if we realized that the very fact that we are here, breathing, studying, thinking, is a gift and a blessing and a cause for rejoicing in and of itself? let's be real here--we have no reason to run up our blood pressure or waste tears or flop back on our beds complaining that our lives are the worst. we have no reason to worry and no reason to be sad. in fact, we have no right to any of those things. we have only one duty in finals week and every other week or day or minute when things get hard or unpleasant:
be t h a n k f u l. realize that your life is actually pretty great. realize that because we have a Savior who freed us from sin and the devil and gave us every good thing, we have nothing to fear and nothing to complain about. and in the case of this finals week, these last few days before the golden months of summer, we have quite a few amazing things to love and thank the Lord for. we have flowers and shady trees and green grass. we have teachers who care about us and want to help us learn and think and become copious. we have classmates and friends and parents who love and support us no matter what, no matter whether we bomb that final or ace it. really.
this week shouldn't be a cycle of highs and lows. nervousness is normal and even helpful, but sadness and depression are not. be happy. let the grace of God wash over you. pray about what's worrying you, and pray that it would stop worrying you. thank God for the opportunities He's given you, and remember that He's gotten you through every final, every paper, every time. study outside and smile because the sun is warm and unfailing. and more than anything, attack what's been set before you. face what God's given you to do with a fierce heart and a ready mind. give it your all, and if you have to, sin boldly. God saved us for this, to work hard and sing praise and trust in Him.
so go: put your worries away. write and sleep and eat and fill yourself up with praise.
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